
As we are all aware, inclement weather and excessive rainfall is becoming more prevalent as a result of climate change. The impact on our course has been clearly evident and subsequently made it unplayable on more days in recent years than in past history. As part of our 5 year plan to enhance playability in the summer and longevity into the winter months, we aim to commence improvement works during this coming winter.

Core Aim

Our aim is to take an integrated approach in managing playing areas and the surrounding environment in order to maintain and improve the course whilst protecting the environment.


Our plan is to incorporate our normal winter program each year with works to upgrade the most poorly drained areas of the course and also undertake exploratory work/potential repairs on the fairways that are most prone to flooding. In the coming months we will commence work on the 11th green, fairway approach, bunkers and surrounding areas, encompassing exploratory solutions to the long term issues with the 7th fairway. This green will be lifted and re-laid as soon as possible after the playing season as it has repeatedly been one of the first greens to be made “temporary” during the winter due to poor drainage and subsequent flooding. Even in the drier months of spring/summer, if there are wet conditions, then this is one of the first to flood.

We have prioritised improvements in the above area to the top of the list of projects to undertake, giving us added opportunity to create some environmental benefits to the surrounding area.

Further work to curtail the impact of excess rainfall on the course is planned over subsequent 4 years and include, but not limited to, several known fairways prone to flooding, bunker improvements as trialled on the 1st green approach and some less intrusive greens drainage work than that of the 11th.

The Committee have carefully assessed the work execution strategy and undertook rigorous procurement processes using the detailed scope of works and the best option chosen to execute the work as risk free as practicably possible.

Finance Plan

The Committee have carefully evaluated our execution plan, financial risks, cost projections and funding options allowing us to proceed at the earliest opportunity.
It is estimated that our normal winter program of work costs will increase from the yearly budgeted average of £15k to nearer £50k this year only to execute these essential improvements, with the ongoing program of works over the following 4 years costing closer to £100k in total for all work.

As for our funding of the work, our current loan for previous enhancement projects, namely the Irrigation System, is due to be renegotiated this year as per the terms agreed at the time. We now intend to use this opportunity to obtain a different model of financing and plan to take this opportunity to increase the longevity of the current loan at a fixed and final rate while interest rates are still favourable and encompass the funding for the improvement plans.

As a result, there is little risk to the long term viability of our Operating budget model and no additional impact on Membership fees going forward relating to this work.

Extract from Detailed Execution Plan

  • The bus parking space in the clubhouse car park will be required for the delivery of materials by the lorry load and suitably cordoned off.
  • As part of the preparation for this work, there is a requirement for a temporary green to be outlined in front of the current green as soon as possible. This area would be cored and sanded before being made GUR but would not come into play until the start of the work on the green itself.
  • Excavation to introduce new 11th green drainage, replace with a new playing surface and reshape the green whilst also slightly relocating/reshaping of the surrounding bunkers.
  • The works include a few trees to be removed due to green/bunker root penetration and disease. They will be replaced to enable adequate natural light, green approach and drainage alignment/absorption. These changes are outlined in the attached drawing of the new layout for this 11th green area with the tree planting geared towards enhancing our environmental impact from these works.
  • In addition, as we will have the necessary equipment already on site, it would make sense to also address the fairway bunker on the RHS of the dogleg when looking from the tee. We intend to raise it up so that it can be seen from the tee, potentially remove some diseased trees and replant in this area, again with the aim of reducing our environmental impact.
  • As part of our environmental impact assessment from groundwater pollution caused by fertilizers and pesticides to loss of natural habitats and wetlands, we will be introducing a regular sampling program to ensure we have no negative impact from our Operations.
  • Proposed commencement of work on the 11th green itself would be Thursday 17th October after the traditional closing of the season for the Ladies on Tuesday 15th October and Gents competition on Wednesday 16th October. From Thursday 17th October, the turf would be stripped from the green and the pre-prepared temporary green would be in place until March/April time, depending on the winter/spring weather for recovery.
  • Project Management will be provided by a suitably skilled member of the Committee with a proven track record in Project Management in conjunction with the Greens Convener.

Any member wishing more detail or clarification on the plans can reach out via the normal channels, where all queries will be collated and answered in full to all members.

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